Is Formal Education Necessary for success? Are you looking for the best university in the world? You have options to make in life. You know better about your capacity and capability and you should not be governed by the things that you dislike in life
Showing posts with label why Harvard the best college. Show all posts
Showing posts with label why Harvard the best college. Show all posts

Why Dummy Should Agree Harvard Is The Best College

Aside from being the oldest university in the world and the most well-known school there are other reasons why Harvard stands out. Big city new media knows, but what about those quirky things no one hears about? Here is our list of reasons why Harvard is so darn awesome.

1. You Won’t See Peter Parker, Bart Simpson Or The Fonz

Sure, those characters are just that – characters. They may be famous but none of them actually exist. However, Harvard does have its share of well known alumni – former students to you and me. They include former US Presidents Barack Obama and George Bush. In fact, several Fortune 500 company CEOs spent time in Harvard.

2 . There Is No YouTube or Gamer Team Sports

Oddly enough, if your hopes lie in becoming the next biggest star in the social media platform of your choice, you won’t find courses or teams in Harvard to get you there. However, if you are a bit on the ‘sporty’ side there are 42 different intercollegiate sports you can participate in. Plus, it’s a great way to take out that rage about the one that got away and went to Yale instead.

3. Cave Diving Gear Is Not Required

Pretty much the only good place you’ll need a helmet is on the field. That is if you are playing sports for a Harvard team or in the stands cheering for Yale. Personal protection is your responsibility in either case. However, if books are your thing, Widener Library at Harvard is an adventure. At ten floors it is the second largest library in the United States. Four of the floors are underground.

4.  Failing Grades Are Your Fault

Can’t pay attention in food class? This isn’t like top high school where you could Google your way out of it on exam day. The mistakes you make are all yours. Here’s why – the top professors in the nation tend to gravitate to Harvard. Several current and past faculty members have a Nobel Prize on their resume as a result of time spent teaching at Harvard. This attracts keen students, not slackers.

5. The Ivy You Are Looking For Won’t Be There

She said you’d she her at school. Alas, there’s no one named Ivy in Harvard. The Ivy League, however, Harvard belongs to. There are eight schools in this group. They have high standards and attract students from all over the globe. But the Ivy you’re looking for will likely not be one of them.

Now you know why Harvard rocks!
