Is Formal Education Necessary for success? Are you looking for the best university in the world? You have options to make in life. You know better about your capacity and capability and you should not be governed by the things that you dislike in life
Showing posts with label informal education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label informal education. Show all posts

Why Can Someone Become Successful Despite Having No Formal or Higher Education?

Have you ever wondered why a person can become successful even though they have never had any formal or higher education? Many factors contribute to someone achieving success despite lacking formal education. Here are several key reasons:

success wihout having higher education

  1. Natural Talent and Skills: Some individuals possess innate talents or skills that enable them to excel in specific fields. For example, musicians, artists, or athletes may achieve success based on their exceptional abilities.
  2. Entrepreneurial Spirit: Many successful people exhibit a strong entrepreneurial drive. They are willing to take risks, start their own businesses, and learn through experience rather than formal education.
  3. Self-Education: With access to the internet and abundant resources, people can educate themselves in various skills. Online courses, tutorials, and informational content provide the knowledge necessary to succeed in diverse industries.
  4. Networking: Building a robust network can open doors to opportunities not typically found through traditional educational paths. Knowing the right people can lead to mentorship, partnerships, and business ventures.
  5. Work Ethic: Hard work, dedication, and perseverance often outweigh formal education. Many successful individuals attribute their achievements to relentless effort and a strong work ethic.
  6. Creative Thinking: Thinking outside the box and approaching problems innovatively can lead to success. Creativity helps in developing unique solutions and business ideas.
  7. Passion and Persistence: A deep passion for a particular field can drive individuals to overcome obstacles and persist, even without formal education.
  8. Learning from Failure: Many successful people have experienced setbacks but learned valuable lessons from their mistakes. This resilience fosters growth and improvement over time.
  9. Adaptability: The ability to adapt to changing circumstances and evolving industries is crucial for success. Being flexible and open to new opportunities can lead to significant achievements.
  10. Street Smarts: Practical knowledge and real-world experience can be as valuable, if not more so, than theoretical knowledge. Learning from real-life situations provides insights that formal education may not offer.

While formal education provides valuable knowledge and credentials, it is not the sole path to success. Many people have proven that with the right mindset, skills, and determination, success is achievable regardless of educational background.

Jim Carrey's Inspirational Journey

Jim Carrey has openly discussed his journey to success and the principles that inspired him, particularly perseverance and self-belief. While he has not written a specific note on this topic, his insights can inspire anyone, especially those without higher education, to strive for success:

  1. Belief in Yourself: Carrey emphasizes the importance of believing in oneself and one's dreams. He visualized his success as a comedian and actor long before achieving it, highlighting the power of positive thinking and self-confidence.
  2. Persistence and Hard Work: Carrey's career was not built overnight. He tirelessly honed his comedic skills and auditioned relentlessly before landing breakthrough roles. His story underscores the value of persistence and continuous effort in achieving goals.
  3. Embracing Failure: Like many successful people, Carrey has experienced setbacks and failures. He encourages others to view failures as learning opportunities and to persevere despite obstacles.
  4. Creativity and Innovation: Carrey's comedic style is known for its creativity and originality. He encourages individuals to tap into their creativity, think outside the box, and pursue their passions with innovative approaches.
  5. Authenticity and Passion: Throughout his career, Carrey has remained true to himself and his comedic style. He advises aspiring individuals to authentically pursue their passions, rather than conforming to others' expectations.
  6. Visualization and Manifestation: Carrey believes in the power of visualization and manifestation in achieving goals. He advocates for visualizing success and taking concrete steps toward realizing those visions.

While Jim Carrey's path to success may not directly relate to formal education, his story exemplifies the importance of determination, self-belief, and creativity in achieving one's goals. His insights can inspire anyone, regardless of educational background, to pursue their dreams with passion and resilience.

In conclusion, believe in yourself—you can achieve success despite lacking formal or higher education.

Related Article: Jim Carrey's $10 Million Check: Celebrities' Hilarious Reactions Unveiled!


What Is The Best University In The World? Harvard? Oxford? Or Al Azhar?

What is the best university in the world? You name it, Harvard? Oxford? Al Azhar?

If you were born in English speaking countries you might agree with what has become popular like Oxford or Harvard. If you were born in Thailand or Zimbabwe, maybe you will say, “not really.” And if you’re Muslim majoring in religious teaching Al Azhar can be your favorite one.

In order to get the answer you have to be able to determine what’s your purpose in life. What do you want to be? Scientist? Businessman? Doctor? Architect? Whether you want to continue to study in an average or the best university in the world, you must make sure of yourself that you are a better person to improve your life. Mindset is everything. There’s no miracle by only sticking to branding or credibility

Do you want to be a scientist like Darwin? Darwin once came down with some serious math envy. As a collegiate student, he loathed the subject. “I attempted mathematics,” reads Darwin’s autobiography, “… but I got on very slowly.” The affluent young naturalist went so far as to invite a tutor to join him at his summer home in 1828. After a few frustrating weeks, Darwin dismissed the man. Wait, did you agree he went to the best university in the world like Harvard? Not sure? “The work was repugnant to me,” he wrote, “chiefly from my not being able to see any meaning in the early steps in algebra. This impatience was very foolish, and in after years I have deeply regretted that I did not proceed far enough at least to understand something of the great leading principals of mathematics, for men thus endowed seem to have an extra sense.”

what is the best university in the world?

How to be a successful entrepreneur? Do what you enjoy. What you get out of your business in the form of personal satisfaction, financial gain, stability and enjoyment will be the sum of what you put into your business. So if you don't enjoy what you're doing, in all likelihood it's safe to assume that will be reflected in the success of your business--or subsequent lack of success. In fact, if you don't enjoy what you're doing, chances are you won't succeed. Okay, so you are after the best university in the world. When it comes to Business major it’s only one thing to determine your success, do you really enjoy what you do or no?

So, what is it? Harvard? Oxford? Al Azhar? You can even create your own best university in the world, especially if you are a strong willed person and have a strong belief of success. Oxford or Alzhar is credible and it’s prestige; they are for those who have money. Some unlucky people who are self-taught would likely open their mind to any references that they can give. Thank to the Internet today, people can get well-educated better than a decade ago. You can be self-taught and self-made. It’s only for those who believe in law of attraction and not depend only on what most people think.


Master A Language Without Teacher Quickly? Sure You Can Do It!

How to learn a foreign language without teacher fast? Can we make improvement in life doing something unusual?

If you ask yourself how to learn a language quickly without teacher, that's the first step to succeed in reaching your goal. Is that your goal? If so, you need to make your dream come true. There's no gain without pain, and if at first you don't succeed, try and try and try again. But it is only when you believe!

The following suggestions are written not without research, nothing such as developing from any available sources that anybody can easily get from the Internet, it's an experience. Yes, the how to learn a language quickly by yourself is based on someones' experience and already proven in real life.

There are many people who can be successful in life even as autodidact. They don't have to be necessarily taking a formal education for success, the none native speakers of English quite often are in this language mastery list. Do you want to be one of them?

master a foreign language without teacher, learn anywhere you likeSo first thing to do in order to master a language quickly by yourself is that you must have that "sense". It's really important to have the soul of the native speakers of targettable language that you're learning. You must force yourself to speak precisely as they do, as convincingly and confidently as they perform and as fluently as you can. The pretending is highly recommended.

If you have had this image in mind then you can start acting; this is how to learn and get accustomed to a situation, fancy it and get your storyboard--spontaneous. You know what Tongue Twister is? You can pronounce any difficult words again and again and apply them in real situation anytime you find new phrases, not necessarily words. Pronounce sentences by drilling is more effective than pronounce words. You do it and again and again and how about correction?

Long time ago when there's no the Internet, strong-willed people have at least a thick recommended dictionary with phrases explanation and then they can learn a foreign language quickly by themselves. Now you have online resources, very rich and vary. Even when you type a word or two, Google Search Engine will display it as the most searched by people. Since it is English, off course, it's accurate. For example when you get confused with preposition like appointed with as or without as, or regard, in regard with or in regard to, you can get an accurate answer, right?

Okay, now you have your own visualization and your own "script". What's next? Drilling practice! go out, find words, find sentences, find phrases, pronounce them, pretend to be a fluent native speaker. If you have reached this stage you just create your own target. Short time target: common useful phrases. Long time: more specific and detail cases.

Just occasionally you need to learn about grammar or structure of language, but please--not too long! You won't be a linguist, will you?

Talk to yourself much when there's nobody around, whisper and speak by heart in public place. The last please check and recheck anywhere you are and any condition, because, even a person who, according to other, is a master, keep correcting themselves.

Good luck! Hopefully you can succeed it quickly.


Is Formal Education Important To Win Success Online?

If you want to hear good news about the Internet, and the benefit that you can get from it, the first thing you need to know is it is not necessary to have formal education for online business. You can succeed here through thorough learning and strong will. Unfortunately, bad news is, not so many can survive among a very tight competition!

is formal education necessary for online business?The Internet seems like heaven, especially for those having dropped out of school or anybody changing their career. There's no such fussy things that you hear: is formal education necessary to improve your career when you get engaged in on online business? Despite this, still business today conduct specific learning, a course that people can get offline. It is informal and optional.

Anybody born talented, gifted and are not so lucky to start a career in a real life, the virtual world is the very best place to improve their lives. Sure the Internet is the media for creative people, it is to discover hidden talent and to help their career as well.

So, how to succeed it when you decide to start running an online business? Since formal education is not necessary to support you with your idea to grab unlimited benefit in the virtual world, you need to
  • Learn from successful people, those having the same passion as yours
  • Create your own target, from branding, producing to selling
  • Learn the strategy, search and search and search on search engine.
  • Do not give up hope. You are not alone, it takes your time and the better is if at first you don't succeed try and try again.
There are many things we can do to improve our lives. In case of having insufficient formal education it is not necessary for you to withdraw from online struggle, agreed?

Just keep mind that God gives the time completely the same for human being to lead a life with, there's a chance for people to grab success. With or without formal education, that's not too important to be debated especially when it comes to online business. What you need to do is just take action. 


Formal Education vs Informal Education: Decide Your Future!

A way to success cannot be reached by a doubt. Whether you take formal education or informal one, this is not like a fight between good vs evil. Education is a must to make achievement in life. No matter what, there's no miracle in life.

You know where to go, you know how to make things best in life. Your decision now will determine what you will become later.

formal education vs informal educationLife is not just about you and your dream, and that's not all. No. It's about how you plan it from now on to face a brighter future. Through formal education? Sure, that's what modern people need to have now. And in addition to this, informal education might be needed to support one to grab success in life.

But in context of superiority, opposition: versus, we will sometimes see life is not always easy for someone to lead without formal education

What we think of one in such condition? Full of misery, abuse, belittled, social life indifferent, neglected, and bitter future? This perception might belong to common people, maybe you, maybe me. We adore our current education and leave behind those considered unlucky ones regarding this informal discourse.

Our thinking quite often goes against our common sense and that makes us arrogant. In fact, in contrast with this subjectivity, we're not talking about one without education. What is so called informal for some reasons can even be more valuable to improve someone's life and break the rule of wickedness.

So when it comes to future career you must decide what becomes priority, and the answer is easy: that's formal education, off course. Ideally no one hope to get dropped out of school and then he fights against all his limitation.

The context next perhaps--and it might become your homework is Strong Will vs Education, but only if you really know the meaning of success.


Be Autodidact, Be Successful And Get What You Want!

How to be a successful autodidact? Well, if you were not born talented, you need to ask God to be reborn. Lol! Not really, if you are a self-made man, now it's time for you to move on! There's no gain without pain.

Some people believe that without higher education, someone cannot be successful in life. And how not to believe this? Be exceptional! Which means you need to learn by yourself more intensively and more crazily! Be an autodidact!

how to be successful autodidact?Good news is God never provides great opportunity for those with higher education only. How to be successful in everything is what you need to know in order to make an achievement in life. An autodidact gets a blessing life with what he's been doing! People spending a lot of money to be a well-educated ones can only envy him.

Now the chance is widely open. Access to information is available anywhere you are. It is not how you need to wait for a chance but, more than that, you need to be creative. Be a successfully self-made, a confident autodidact in case you get sicked of being taught and brainwashed with a lot of theory of knowledge. Also be somebody just to show off a little when the environment belittles you, this is how to prove to the world that you can outdo those people who suck, who merely agree that the higher your education is the more achievement you'll get in life.

There's a gap in society which is annoying sometimes. Have you experienced some successful people with higher education keep themselves for themselves and keep arrogant? Likely, it's the different from the way an autodidact present in life which is commonly humble and practical as life taught him much in the past, and being a self-made, there's nothing to lose for sharing, this will make him more knowledgeable instead.

The question now is how to be a confidently successful autodidact when you have all those skills to compete with others? The very basic thing to do is get back to your dream, you started the whole thing from a hard work and you must have a dream coming along to make it true, don't you think?

It is not just how to be a autodidact but it turns out that successful life is far to reach. With or without formal education there should be a consideration that all of us need to learn strategy of life and the like.
