Is Formal Education Necessary for success? Are you looking for the best university in the world? You have options to make in life. You know better about your capacity and capability and you should not be governed by the things that you dislike in life
Showing posts with label harvard law school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label harvard law school. Show all posts

Law School Or Psychology, For You Or Not For You? Which Is Better?

Which is better, law school or psychology? Never ever ask this to Jim Carrey, because he is good at parody. He has this quote: I really believe in the philosophy that you create your own universe. I'm just trying to create a good one for myself. And this one is not such a joke. The best reason people go to college is Make more money. People who graduate from college make more money than those with just a high school diploma. A lot more money, actually. People with a college degree make around $1,100 a week. Someone with a high school diploma makes just $638.

How about making connection? Sure, in college, students make new friends and other connections that will be helpful when it’s time to get started in a career. Those friends they make in college will help them get jobs, and these connections and networks will help them throughout their lives. As parents you might recommend your children by saying which is better for you to go, to law school or psychology one? But how about if they don’t have passion in both of them. Say, they might be interested in animation. Why animation is a good career? It can be defined as a skill that brings life to images. A person having blend of entertainment industry and technology, thorough knowledge of production and knowledge of creating engaging multimedia clips can make a good and lucrative career in animation.

What if your children want to jump to politics instead? which is to them, not only this is their passion but things much better than law school or psychology. Ed Davie, councillor in the London Borough of Lambeth says, For working in politics, unless you want to be an academic I'm not convinced getting another degree is better than getting work experience. To find relevant work experience think about where you would like to end up professionally and do some research about who is working in that field – then contact them asking for information and work experience.

Or an actor? In this place the question of which is better law school or psychology will no more bother. Let’s just say, if you’re in it for the money and fame, you might take some roles that are “artistic suicide’. Yes you need to pay the bills, so of course you will take whatever role you can get in the beginning, but once you start to see some success, you can go after those roles that really challenge you as an artist. If you’re in the business for the wrong reasons, you might take the more commercial role that pays you more money and gets more attention, but doesn’t really challenge you or interest you as a performer.

So, what is the conclusion, which is better, law school or psychology? If you think you can really fight for others and for your pride you can take the first option, and if you are curious of other nature that you can change in the future, the second is worth trying. But first, will you believe if the latter statement belongs to an autodidact?


Which Law School is the Best, Harvard Law School or Yale Law School?

Two schools you will always find at the very top of every “Best Law schools in the U.S.” list is Harvard Law School and Yale Law School. It is an undisputed fact that these two law schools are top notch. Both of these two schools are quite comparable in quality and selectivity. They both have produced and keep on producing outstanding lawyers and judges up on to the Supreme Court level. Aside from the success of their alumnus in the law profession, other graduates of this law schools have also gone on to dominate public service, business and even politics. The likes of Senator Ted Cruz, the two Obamas and former Governor and ex-Presidential candidate Mitt Romney all graduated from the prestigious Harvard Law School. While the Clintons both graduated from Yale Law School.

This is probably where the similarities end. Other criteria like employment rate, bar pass rate, acceptance rate, and student-faculty ratio expose some slight but obvious differences. In the case of the number of students admitted into each faculty every session, Harvard has the edge. They admit more students than Yale and you are more likely to get admitted to Harvard than Yale. While this may sound like good news to applicants, it is also important to note that Yale has a better students-faculty ratio compared to Harvard. While Yale boasts of a 9:1 students to faculty ratio, Harvard has a weaker ratio of 12:1.

The differences don’t end there, Yale has a lower employment rate when compared to Harvard. Harvard Law School has an employment rate of 99.7% compared to a 91.3% employment rate for Yale Law School. However, it has been noted that compared to Harvard Law School, a good number of Yale Law School graduates do not seek or engage in traditional legal employment. Some of them prefer to pursue different types of opportunities like professional positions and graduate school. Harvard Law School graduates mostly do not go into public service. They mostly end up at some of the biggest law firms in the country.

One thing that also makes Yale Law School distinct is that they encourage a spirit of collaboration. They do not have letter grades and they also do not have class rankings. They believe that it is against the community spirit of Yale Law School.

The low acceptance rate of Yale Law School assures that you will be in the company of exceptional and extraordinary people. With a class of an average of 25 students, you will get the chance to know them well and know them all.

On the other hand, Harvard has an average of 80 students per class. Harvard Law School has the largest law library in the world and they offer more classes than any other law school. Because of the school’s connections, students get the chance to meet and network with prominent figures in the country.

Each of these two law schools are a fantastic choice and whichever path graduates of this two schools take, they all usually blaze a trail.
