Is Formal Education Necessary for success? Are you looking for the best university in the world? You have options to make in life. You know better about your capacity and capability and you should not be governed by the things that you dislike in life

Why Harvard Is The Best University In The World

Do you think Harvard is the best university in the world? What makes you think that way? Is it because it has Business School where community of people engaged in many activities focused on one purpose—developing leaders? The MBA graduates use the skills they develop here to inspire change and innovation throughout their lives—in business and in other organizations? Or is it the oldest institution of higher education in the United States, established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

What college do you think may have many gates which are open 24/7 (anyone could visit the campus during regular days)? Did you know one is Johnston Gate. Johnston Gate is closed for most of the year! That’s because Harvard students should pass through it only twice. Once when they first arrive on campus during their Freshman year, and a second time after they graduate. It’s considered bad luck if they go through it more that those two times. Is it the reason you want to go to the best university in the world? The gate means whenever you’re locked there, you cannot just go out. You have to focus on your study, is that what you think?

People often focus too much on future careers and making money, and sometimes lose track of enjoying the present. This is subjective when it comes to why people go to Harvard yet there are still many other best university in the world, like Oxford or Cambridge maybe? Undoubtedly we take higher education for a better life in the future, That’s one thing for sure. Wanna be a successful businessman you go to business school. Wanna be a doctor you go to medical school. Anyway, what do you think of The Osher Center for Integrative Medicine? A comparison? It is a collaboration between Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital.

The Osher Center is focused on enhancing human health, resilience and quality of life. They are doing this by connecting researchers, educators and clinicians across Harvard Medical School, and beyond. They believe that by increasing their fundamental scientific understanding of human health, they are moving toward a new model of wellness and healing.

Best Global Universities Rankings may make Harvard be The Best University In The World. These institutions from the U.S. and nearly 60 other countries have been ranked based on 12 indicators that measure their academic research performance and their global and regional reputations. Students can use these rankings to explore the higher education options that exist beyond their own countries' borders and to compare key aspects of schools' research missions.

The university is made up of the undergraduate college, as well as 11 other degree-granting institutions including the highly ranked Business School, Graduate School of Education, Law School and the John F. Kennedy School of Government. The medical school is affiliated with several teaching hospitals, including Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Anyway, why Harvard is The Best University In The World and why you disagree with it, probably you are self-taught one. Lol!


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